



On the east side of the central mountains of Transylvania, in southeast-northeast direction lies Trascau mountains with a width of 20-25 km. It is an area with an incredibly varied landscape: limestone cliffs, cliffs peaks up to 1300 meters, gorges.

The region is also part of the Metaliferi Mountains, where over the centuries the iron was mined. In the center, between Ardescheia (1250 meters) and Piatra Secuiului (1128 meters) is Rîmetea.


The commune can be accessed from the south by Valisoara pass, in north by Buru pass.
In the VII-VIIIth centuries, the Slavs settled here. They started mining iron. It is possible that the name of the place originates from them: the words "toroszko, troksz" mean iron stone, iron slag.
At the dismounting, in order to establish a country, the Hungarians settled into depression and soon Toroczkay family that enriched quickly called German blacksmiths in the area. Due to numerous places rich in iron and diligent inhabitants, Rimetea was developed into an important center.

The German inhabitants were built on rivers with rapid flow crushers operated by water power.

On the tops of rocks: at Piatra Secuiului and above Coltesti a fortress was built. The reign of János Zsigmond (Ioan Sigismund) was an important period for the existence of Rimetea commune.

In this period the locals go to the Unitarian religion, faith that was preserved until now. At the end of the sixteenth century it was built a school in Rimetea, then over 100 years has built also the Unitarian church that exists today.

In the struggle for freedom led by Rákóczi many locals joined those who fought against the Habsburg Empire.

In 1702, the ruthless general Rabutin attacked the village and on November 17 hanged in the center of the village Ekart András and Szabó Gergely opposing to Habsburg authority.
They are considered the martyrs of the village, and the window frames are painted in red in their memory.
After two years, the Habsburg general Tige as a repression sign, burned the village and destroyed Coltesti fortress. In 1784 Rimet became again prey to fire.
The movement groups led by Horea burned the village. However, the landowners say that the villagers were followers of Horea. Thus, the locals were at a disadvantage from two directions. As a result of the tests, they have become more cautious: they tried to regain the independence legally with their leaders, but they failed.
It is considered the most beautiful location of Transylvania in the eastern part of the Apuseni Mountains.
"Casele albe" built after the fire around 1870 recall this character.
Due to the specific form of Piatra Secuiului rising above the town, at Rimetea the sun rises twice, as Jókai writes in his novel "Egy az Isten" (There is only one God).
The name of the rock comes from the XIIIth century when it was asked for Szekler' s help in the fight against the Tartars, and as a reward for their help, they received the existing fortress and surroundings at that time.


Rîmetea is the  westernmost point of the Szeklers , and is inhabited by Hungarians. In terms of the settlement and construction Rimetea is named as the most beautiful village of Transylvania.

Rimetea village center located in the Trascau depression at feet of Piatra Secuiului, received recently Europa Nostra award. In the center of Rimetea village is the Unitarian church and all attractions, but it is not ignored the village with small houses painted white and the picturesque of Piatra Secuiului rising above them.
Another attraction of the village is the rich and gorgeous national costume whose outstanding examples can be seen in the Museum of Ethnography.
It is worth visiting Coltesti, the Unitarian church and the ruins of Rimetea fortress.
The conservation of the cultural heritage of the European continent - receives an increasing importance in European forums in parallel to accelerate integration and political and economic problems. By creating the Europa Nostra award in 1963, has developed a non profit pan-European organization, whose goal is to help the organizations that work in the conservation of monuments, for the rural and urban planning and the professional organizations to strengthen the European identity and to conserve the natural heritage and history.


The organization awarded the Europa Nostra award in 1980 to those builders, architects, exploiter and beneficiaries contributing greatly after their work to European cultural and natural heritage.
Rimetea inhabitants are very proud of winning the award, which is their continuous dedication to maintaining literary and historical values.

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